Covid 19
Update on Covid Vaccines for Construction Workers from the BIA's CEO
1. The Regional Stay at Home Order Ended January 25, 2021. Click here to view the permitted or restricted activities in your county.
2. County Resources on COVID
- Sacramento County COVID Information and Vaccination Schedule and testing sites
- Placer County COVID webpage and testing information
- Yolo County COVID webpageand testing information
- El Dorado County COVID webpage
3. Click Here for various business resources for your construction-related business
4. The California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response website contains up-to-date information regarding Governor Newsom’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
Sign Up for a notice from the State when it’s your turn for a vaccine
Click Here for checklist/memo from the California Department of Public Health regarding outbreaks in workplaces.
Click Here for the 12/14/20 memo from the California Department of Public Health regarding COVID-19 Quarantine guidance.
COVID19 Safety Resources
Safety is the building industry’s top priority. The following resources are available to those looking for timely guidance and best practices.
Federal Resources
The federal government has OSHA safety guidelines as well as guidance on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) webpage on COVID19. An updated OSHA guidance for the construction workforce can be found here.
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has the Jobsite Safety and Recordkeeping Guidance for Coronavirus page that offers comprehensive Preparedness Plan, a jobsite checklist, template notifications to employees, OSHA guidance, and a jobsite safety poster that can be downloaded and displayed at jobsites. Resources are in both English and Spanish. NAHB has published a video toolbox talk that demonstrates proper safety precautions for workers on a home building job site to prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 illness. The video, available in English and Spanish, illustrates real-world examples of implementing guidance NAHB has provided during the coronavirus crisis.
State Resources
Governor Issues New Mask Guidelines - June 18, 2020
Gov. Gavin Newsom issued new guidance requiring members of the public to wear facemasks because people who are infected but are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic play an important part in the spread of the virus and the use of face coverings can limit the release of infected droplets when talking, coughing, and/or sneezing. There is also long-standing state industry guidance for construction sites and the state continues to ask that the construction industry review the guidance, prepare a plan, and post the following checklist for the construction industry in your workplace to show customers and employees that you’ve reduced the risk and are open for business.
California Department of Public Health - COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Construction
CAL OSHA Safety and Health Guidance
CBIA's Infectious Disease Jobsite Safety Protocol
A Few Examples of Builders Proactively Addressing COVID-19
Local builders have been leading the effort to ensure jobsite safety. Below are some of their specific best practices.
Worker Safety
· Ensuring 6 feet separation at all times and limiting the size of work crews in the house
· Providing extra wash stations and gloves, masks and hand sanitizer
· Posting best practices (English and Spanish) notices on each house
Managing Vendors and Trades
· Staggering vendor deliveries and trades on site so they are not there at the same time
· Limiting size of groups doing frame walks
· Closing construction office trailers
Customer Interface
· Closing sales offices, except for appointments
· Wiping down all surfaces in homes before walk throughs with customers
Safety and social distancing verified by Jerry Bach, Vice President of Workplace Safety Program, The Safety Center